Patient of the Month (Feb 2013) - Tendinitis

We couldn't pick just one person for our February patient of the month! Roxanne and Cheryl are each so outstanding that we wanted to honor both of them.

Meet Roxanne!

Name:  Roxanne K.

Occupation:  Senior Academic Advisor—Caldwell College

Injury: Tendinitis of the Hamstring

I can't imagine someone not loving Roxanne. As a patient she is committed, driven, and responsive. As a person, she is kind, compassionate, and thoughtful. No matter what the circumstances, she stayed positive through her therapy and even took the time to share thoughts regarding our business. We already miss her!

In her own words....

What brought you to PT?

Tendinitis of the hamstring

How have you benefitted from your PT experience (physically or mentally)? I limped in and I walked out—it doesn’t get any better than that!

What would you recommend to someone who has the same injury as you? to get themselves over to Iron Physical Therapy

What activities are you most excited about getting back to? Just being able to move with greater comfort makes everything easier.

Any new goals now that you are feeling better? Get rid of those extra pounds.

Just to add a few words—it was Dr. Mayes credentials and experience that brought me to Iron PT.  After being told by my orthopedic doctor that my next course of action should be PT, I started doing my research.  What I found was that though many places claimed to offer PT, not everyone was a Doctor of Physical Therapy and had all the necessary background.  I enjoyed my time at Iron PT, it was a positive friendly environment—a place of healing and learning.

And yes Doc, I am still doing my exercises!


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