CrossFit Athlete Bounces Back From Knee Injury with Physical Therapy


Each month, Iron Physical Therapy highlights a special patient to tell their inspiring story. We want to honor people who go all in - body, mind and spirit. They show us what’s possible - that you can move on from a setback to do amazing challenge your body, to chase your dreams, to address future pain in a healthy way, to #getbetterbebetter. Read Amanda’s story below and then click here to read more inspiring patient stories.


After a short break from this series, we are so excited to spotlight Amanda as Iron Physical Therapy’s Patient of the Month in Caldwell, NJ for August! She’s an active veteran who enjoys working out and CrossFit; however, earlier this year she injured her knee so badly that it required surgery. Amanda has been working hard to return to exercising and her job as a secret service agent protecting our country ever since! 

Although her surgery meant a long recovery, Amanda has been focused, motivated and laughing through it all! Her infectious optimism has not only helped her own recovery but has had a positive impact on the rehab of those around her because of her encouragement and bright light.

What brought you into physical therapy?

A knee injury (I forgot I was middle aged and not a member the justice league) and subsequent surgery after a CrossFit mishap brought me to Iron Physical Therapy.

Any advice for others recovering from an injury/surgery like yours?

Have patience. Listen to your body. Know that the rehab is going to hurt sometimes but it WILL improve. Your body is just healing. And as always laugh and smile at yourself…it really is the best medicine!

What accomplishment in physical therapy are you most proud of?

I am proud to be walking, jumping and running again! Also making some great new friends in the Iron PT staff.

What are you most excited to get back to doing after physical therapy?

I am most excited to be moving again - doing anything and doing it pain free. I am returning to hiking, jumping and running without thinking about a single joint.

The biggest lesson I will take away is to listen to my body and be patient. To avoid letting my ego get in the way of real fitness improvement by knowing how hard to push and when I am pushing too hard.


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