The Truth About Injury Recovery As a Rugby Player

Each month, Iron Physical Therapy highlights a special patient to tell their inspiring story. We want to honor the people who go all in - body, mind and spirit. They show us what’s possible - that you can move on from a setback to do amazing challenge your body, to chase your dreams, to address pain in a healthy way to #getbetterbebetter.

Read Rob’s story below and then click here to read more inspiring patient stories.


When Rob first joined us at Iron, he was battling a shoulder/neck injury that prevented him from lifting overhead and playing rugby. His pain had become severe enough that he had difficulty sleeping and completing every day tasks. This injury was one that could have further worsened if he was not proactive to address his discomfort.

Rob is very active as a veteran leader with the local men's rugby team, competing weekly over many years at a very high level. This puts quite a physical toll on his body, but he has done tremendous work to prioritize his mobility, strength, and recovery to be available to play every week.

In and outside the clinic, Rob has consistently put in the work required to regain full shoulder function! He is now lifting heavy weight overhead with ease, and leading rugby scrums without any hesitation. Rob has always been a pleasure to work with and I am glad to see him back to his best!

-Dr. Chris Aherne  PT, DPT

In Rob’s Own Words…

What Brought You Into Physical Therapy?

I had extreme shoulder pain in my left shoulder

What advice do you have for athletes who get injured?

Don't neglect mobility work and corrective exercises.

What has been you biggest motivation to #getbetterbebetter?

My son. I want to be able to run around and play with him. I don't want old injuries keeping me back from that. 

What have you learned at PT that you didn’t know before?

I didn't realize how integrated my muscle groups are. I didn't realize that my back could effect my shoulders as much as they do. Going forward, I will make sure my training is balanced and really emphasize muscle activation, which is something I haven't really thought about before. 

What are you excited to get back to after PT?

Playing rugby (relatively) pain free. 


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