How to Improve Running Technique - Trunk

Whether you've participated in races or just watched runners go by while drinking coffee at the cafe, you've seen all sorts of running form. Now that we've discussed a few tips about your lower leg, let's review what happens at the trunk. Here are a few tips:

  • Lean forward a little. This "leaning" should be the entire trunk and NOT just your back. This forward momentum engages the force of gravity to help propel you forward. If you're leaning too far forward you may be putting undue strain on your back. If you're leaning too far back, you're fighting gravity and are slowing yourself down... which may be due to other reasons such as muscle weakness, injury, etc.

  • Maintain a level pelvis - no excessive swaying side to side. As much as I hate running on a treadmill, it is good for watching yourself in the mirror to check your form. Excessive lateral sway is unnecessary motion (often due to hip weakness) which ultimately decreases your running efficiency.

  • Don't excessively curve of your low back (anterior pelvic tilt). Keep your abdominals engaged throughout the run. As fatigue sets in it's easy to forget this aspect of your form, but it's important to keep your abs tight while your run (yes, you have to consciously think about it). This will help keep your pelvis relatively neutral to minimize injury.

IRON PT WOD - 8/30/2012.

  • Rest. Carbo-loading with the kids (pizza) and cigar time with a good neighbor buddy.

IRON PT WOD - 8/29/2012 9:13 AM - Hill run at the park

  • 6.41 mi; 8'49" pace; 754 calories

  • Minutes/mile: 9'47", 8'40, 8'02", 8'16", 8'40"8'50"


How to Improve Running Technique: Arms


How to Improve Running Technique: Lower Body