Where Did the Name 'Iron' Physical Therapy Come from?

Deciding what to call your company comes with just as much pressure as naming a baby! The name needs to stand the test of time, have meaning to you as well as others, and be ‘just right.’

Back in 2010, when Geno and I started thinking about business names, we knew that we wanted something short and easy to go with ‘physical therapy’, a term that doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue. We also knew we didn’t want to include our last name in the company title because our work would always be about the people walking in the door, not ourselves. 

One of the first words that came to our minds was strong! After all, we wanted to create a place where people could become strong - in body, mind and spirit. Strength is timeless and meaningful, but its didn’t sound “just right.” So we started looking up synonyms..and there it was -- IRON.  




1. Strong, robust, healthy, and capable of great endurance

2. Unrelenting and enduring 

3. Malleable (can be molded without breaking)

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As soon as we saw the definition, we knew right away that ‘Iron Physical Therapy’ was born. We would be a place where people could become strong and robust, but also a place where people could experience a transformation. We would be the “heat” that enables “iron” patients to change into something even better.

And just like that, we were IRON — strong but moldable, unrelenting against obstacles and ready to stand the the test of time.


The Iron Way - Our Core Values


'Jersey Women Strong' Runner Overcomes Weaknesses With Physical Therapy