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Our most frequently asked and searched question is...What do I wear to PT?! Here are 6 ways to make your visit as comfortable and easy and possible! 1. Wear something stretchy or easy to move in such as leggings, shorts, or a t-shirt! Anything that you would wear to the gym or a workout.

Our patients affectionately refer to the Graston Technique® instruments as "butter knives!" It's a treatment they hate to love, but the results speak for themselves. Many famous athletes swear by the technique including Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps.

“Physical Therapy is one of the most important things you need to do in order to heal properly. There is never a reason to live in pain. You can definitely find one hour of your day to do something for yourself that will help you “Get better & Be Better” like I did at Iron Physical Therapy.”

- Jordan, Competitive Dancer and Iron Physical Therapy Patient