Getting back to Running after Knee Surgery With Help of PT and the Graston Technique

Each month, Iron Physical Therapy highlights a special patient to tell their inspiring story. We want to honor the people who go all in - body, mind and spirit. They show us what’s possible - that you can move on from a setback to do amazing challenge your body, to chase your dreams, to address pain in a healthy way to #getbetterbebetter. Read Elizabeth’s story below and then click here to read more inspiring patient stories.


Meet Beth!! getting back to running after knee surgery

She's a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Certified LEAP Therapist, and Board Certified Specialist in Sport Dietetics…who also happens to be an avid, competitive runner. I was excited to work with this athlete and health care professional, but I knew physical therapy would be challenging.

Recovery from knee surgery is no easy task, especially for my runners, but Beth remained strong throughout her entire journey. From regaining full movement in her knee to normalizing her ability to walk and slowly returning to running, Beth demonstrated grit and determination to achieve her goals…and she did it with lots of smiles and laughter along the way.

I always looked forward to our sessions as she brought much joy to the entire clinic! She will be greatly missed as she prepares to graduate from IRON.

-Dr. Geno Mayes, DPT

In Elizabeth’s Own Words…

1) List Three Words to Describe You:

Hard Worker, Faithful, Empathetic

2)  What Brought You Into Physical Therapy?

Knee surgery; I had more pain after than before!

3) How would you describe physical therapy?

PT is a therapy that starts out with simple exercises to promote movement. As you practice those movements, you start to get stronger. PT continues with functional exercises and strength exercises that then challenge your healing process.

4)  What exercise or technique helped you most?

I think the Graston Technique helped break up some scar tissue that was affecting my ability to “unlock” the leg. Seems the muscle fibers were getting hung up on each other. But the biggest technique provided by Iron PT was the coaching/counseling that Dr. Mayes and his staff gave to me which helped me stay focused, remain calm, and kept me from thinking irrationally, like I would never be able to run again. I was coached on how to be more patient with my body and recovery.

5)  What would you say to someone who is living in pain and putting off physical therapy?

Putting off PT is saying “no” to living an active lifestyle. Movement is a positive force, and if you cannot move, you feel stuck. This can negatively impact your mood, nutrition, and sleep. Exercise is Medicine!

The first step is the hardest, but Iron PT offers tons of support!

6) What are you excited to get back to after physical therapy?

Competitively running the 7 states that I have left in the USA!

6) What did you enjoy most about the physical therapy experience?

Being around supportive people who weren’t uncomfortable when I broke down in tears from time to time!


Meet Dr. John Nagatsuka, DPT at Iron Physical Therapy


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