Student Volleyball Player Recovers from Knee Surgery with Ladder Jumps

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Each month, Iron Physical Therapy highlights a special patient to tell their inspiring story. We want to honor people who go all in - body, mind and spirit. They show us what’s possible - that you can move on from a setback to do amazing challenge your body, to chase your dreams, to address future pain in a healthy way, to #getbetterbebetter. Read Amira’s story below and then click here to read more inspiring patient stories.


Amira is a student athlete who loves being active, no matter the sport. She came to physical therapy for the long haul and is excited to get back to playing volleyball as soon as she can.

After years of knee pain and finally knee surgery, she was determined to Get Better and BE BETTER! She was not only focused and excited to work towards her own goal but encouraging to other patients around her. A well deserved Patient of the Month!

Click here to discover more about how we treat student athletes at Iron.

In Amira’s Own Words…

1) List Three Words to Describe You:

Sociable, kind, funny

2)  What Brought You Into Physical Therapy?

I came for post knee surgery rehab after a torn patellar tendon.

3) How would you describe physical therapy to people who don't know what it is?

Physical therapy is an amazing experience and more fun than you might think! I even made friends there. It felt great to be able to run again after not being able to walk up and down stairs.

4)  What exercise or technique (ie., ART, Graston, McKenzie etc.) helped you the most?

Ladder jumps are my favorite!

5) What are you excited to get back to after physical therapy?

I had fun working out at physical therapy but I’m very excited to get back to playing volleyball.


Meet Dr. Taylor Payne, DPT at Iron Physical Therapy


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