3 Common Deadlift Mistakes To Avoid

3 Common Deadlift Mistakes To Avoid.png

As a CrossFitter and Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), I can’t tell you enough how important it is to use proper form when weightlifting or exercising. Correct form is crucial for injury prevention, strengthening the correct muscles and performing at your highest capacity.

I’ve put together a series of videos based on some common deadlift issues I often see while at CrossFit or in the clinic when I’m working with athletes on this lift. These shore videos will give you an idea of what to avoid and a few tips on how to easily correct your form with resistance bands, PVC pipes, and a little bit of direction!

Here are the top 3 deadlift FORM mistakes you should avoid:

1. inCorrect & inConsistent Hip Hinge

Avoid lower back pain during your deadlift by perfecting your hip hinge with this PVC pipe trick!

2. Buckling Knees

If you’re positioning your knees like this during your deadlift, you aren’t getting the power out of your glutes or strengthening your glute muscles at all. Try using this resistance band trick to be sure that your knees aren’t buckling when you deadlift.

3. Failure to Engage Your Lats

Don’t forget about your upper body when deadlifting! Be sure that you are engaging your lats, as I explain in this video, to avoid back pain or neck pain during your deadlift.


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