Crossfit Patient Makes PT Homework A Fun (& Delicious) Task

Meet Jason, our latest patient of the month!

When life handed him lemons (and back surgery), he made lemonade! After surgery, he was told to take regular walks. Instead of making it something laborious, he made it fun by walking to Starbucks everyday to try out a different drink ! 

This dedicated gentleman moved through physical therapy without ever missing an appointment. His perfect attendance and hard work helped propel him successfully through rehab! 

Watch out, because he's getting back to his favorite workout move, the burpee!

~ Dr. Marnie Wortman, DPT



1) List three words to describe you: Determined, friendly, introspective

2) What brought you into physical therapy? Herniated disc and subsequent discectomy

3) How would you describe physical therapy to people who don't know what it is? At Iron PT, you are taught technique and rehabilitative exercises so you can live pain free and continue to do the things you love.

4) What exercise or technique helped you the most? Ice and stim!  Love stim!

5) What would you say to someone who is living in pain and putting off physical therapy? The sooner you start, the sooner you'll feel better. 

6) What activities are you most excited about getting back to? Crossfit with my wife. She can deadlift more than I can now. 

7) What did you enjoy most about your PT experience? Dr. Wortman’s attitude and care. Iron PT is a special place!

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