This Runner's Injury Was Slowing Him Down Before He Decided On PT

Ryen is a seasoned runner and long-time Essex Running Club member who experienced a  fracture last year. From this injury, he had secondary tightness and weakness that really affected his training. 

After supplementing his running with a consistent strength training program and appropriate manual therapy, Ryen has returned to training and running with his wife, son and dog multiple times a week!  

Ryen was an amazing patient who always came to therapy with a positive attitude and commitment to recovery. We're so excited to see him back in action!






1) List three words to describe you: Determined, Beer-loving, Runner-Dad

2) What brought you into physical therapy? Hip/Glute pain, weakness and tightness

3) How would you describe physical therapy to people who don't know what it is? Relieve pain, increase flexibility and strengthen

4) What exercise or technique helped you the most? ART, Graston and anything with a kettle bell

5) What would you say to someone who is living in pain and putting off physical therapy? The quicker you get to PT and more dedicated you are to your recovery the quicker you will be pain free.  

6) What activities are you most excited about getting back to? Running marathons

7) What did you enjoy most about your PT experience? The super friendly and supportive team at Iron are great and they armed me with some awesome at-home exercises like toddler jump squats, lunges, and planks. 


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