Easy Green Smoothie: Paleo Style

Easy Green Smoothie: Paleo Style

My day…

Alarm rings, hit snooze, wake up at 6:00, out the door by 6:30.

Time for breakfast somewhere between drying my hair and brushing my teeth?

I needed something easy, quick, and filling, because the last thing I wanted was to be starving at 8:30 during a plank party.  Then, like a healthy superhero, a good friend of mine introduced to me to the green smoothie!

Green Smoothie Recipe

  • Like a magic potion, you just add…

  • 2 handfuls of leafy greens (any will do)

  • a few carrots

  • 1 can light coconut milk (the real stuff, watch the ingredients)

  • some almond milk

  • 1 banana (I use the ripe ones since I can’t stand to eat them)

  • handful of other fruit (I use frozen because it’s easy, but any kind will work! Peaches and Pineapples are my favorites)

  • 1 handful of sunflower seeds

  • Sprinkle some chia seeds

(I’ve added cucumber, avocado, pumpkin seeds, coconut water, fruit juice… anything Paleo goes!)

and BLEND!

Green Smoothie

Green Smoothie

It starts off looking gorgeous and layered in the blender, but by the time its done working its magic, the color can be anything other than attractive. It is a green smoothie after all. Good thing it's healthy, tastes good and fits the Paleo lifestyle!  Added bonus is that it can help empty the refrigerator to make room for new goodies!


Marnie Wortman

Marnie Wortman

By Dr. Marnie Wortman, PT, DPT, CrossFitter


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