Iron Physical Therapy

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What to Expect From the NYC Marathon: A Physical Therapist and CrossFitter's Perspective

That’s me, Dr. Wortman - I ran the NYC Marathon and what a whirlwind 6 month journey it was! Here’s a little recap…

Getting to the NYC Marathon Starting Line

When I first started training for the NYC marathon in June, I had no clue what I was getting into! I had focused so much on strength training with CrossFit for 10+ years that entering into a long distance challenge was a new feat for me.

Luckily, training was pretty smooth. I think that was a result of solid conditioning with weights, a strong running foundation (at shorter distances) and my background as a PT knowing the importance of incorporating mobility and injury prevention work.

In terms of training, I thrive with a plan so I worked with my coach (my brother-in-law!) to create a road map to successfully take on the NYC Marathon. He tweaked it a few times as we went, but it gave me something to follow and plan for. I truly enjoyed checking off the days with a pen…and I still can’t believe how fast it all went!

The Day of the NYC Marathon

I had ALL the emotions and thoughts…

Did I train enough? 

I only ran 20 miles, how am I supposed to just “come up” with an extra 6.2?

Do I have enough gels? (I bought another one at the expo just to be sure)

When the time came to get to the starting line, there was nowhere to go but over the bridge and towards Manhattan! That was when I felt oddly calm and confident. I had done the work and gotten to this point with the help and guidance of my coach, fellow members from the De Novo Harriers Running Club and my Iron PT community. I was ready!

The NYC Marathon Course

When the cannon went off and I heard Frank Sinatra’s “New York New York” it was game time. 

Of course I went too fast in the beginning, like I was warned about, but the crowds were AMAZING in Brooklyn!

Over the Queensboro Bridge, I knew I would see my family so that gave me an extra push entering First Ave with the roar of the crowd. Then came Queens, the boogie down Bronx, and then we were close to Central Park.

When I saw my family again around mile 23, I knew I was almost there and had to try and kick it into overdrive as I entered the park!

A short run with constant crowds through the park and then back again towards the finish line!

They count you down to the end with flags marking what’s left —- 1 mile, 800m, 400m, 50m… DONE!  

My Overall Thoughts on Completing the NYC Marathon

The experience of the NYC marathon is truly one you have to experience to really understand. 

What made it more exciting was coming back to the office, medal in hand, and hearing so many members of my Iron family telling me the stories of them tracking me the whole way! It truly was an amazing experience to really share with everyone.

And who knows what’s next…